Privacy & terms

Your data

We believe that your data is yours and yours alone

Is my data safe?

You can read our full privacy policy and terms of service for the full details.

The jist is as follows:

Your data is held securely within dypt's infrastructure.

Your tasks remain private unless you choose to share them.

To provide support or investigate bugs, the dypt team may need to access your data. We will never share your data with anyone with the exception of our infrastructure providers that are critical to the functioning of dypt.

We only work with third parties that we trust to secure and protect our users data. The third parties we use that have access to certain parts of your data include:

  • Our database provider, PlanetScale - stores your tasks and other data
  • Our authentication provider, Clerk - stores your authentication data
  • Our notification provider, WonderPush - has anonymised partial data associated with your push notifications
  • Our AI provider, OpenAI - we send a subset of task titles you select to OpenAI to generate subtasks
  • Our user content provider, UploadThing - stores your user supplied content such as AI break down images
  • Our payment provider, Stripe - stores your payment data

Will you sell my data?

No, we will never sell your data. User privacy is a core value of dypt.

We believe that your data is yours and yours alone.

Got questions?

If you have any questions about your privacy or data, contact us.

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